A couple of weeks ago, I came up with a great idea for a piece of software for the Android platform ( i.e. for my HTC Hero ). I have programmed quite a bit using Java before, but the Android SDK is quite complex, and frankly not entirely well-documented, so there were quite a few issues to stumble across.. Developing the whole thing took the better part of a weekend, only for me to discover that it would not work properly on Android 1.5 ( Cupcake ) which my phone uses, since I had developed it for Android 1.6 ( Donut )… In theory, there should be no relevant differences, but everything is tossed around when I run the program on my phone or a 1.5 emulator.
Rumour has it that HTC will release a new ROM for the Hero based on Donut by the end of October, so I am hoping I get to use my application then. When it has been tested in real life, I will publish another post explaining the purpose of the application and how to get it, but for now, all I will say is that it is a free application that will be a great tool when holding speeches in any setting.