Hi there! I'm a Principal Engineer at
author of
Rust for Rustaceans,
an avid
Rust educator,
and a general open-source ethusiast.
I have a PhD from the
Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems group
at MIT, where I was supervised by
Robert Morris
in my work on
which today continues in the form of a start-up I co-founded called
Before Helsing, I maintained the Rust build infrastructure at AWS. And before MIT, I received an MSc in Networked Computer Systems from UCL in the UK, and a BSc in Information Technology from Bond University in Australia. My various research projects, you can find on the research page.
I occasionally write at length about things I find interesting. You can follow me on various platforms using the links at the top, or join my Discord.
If you've benefited from my work, consider sponsoring me.